News Articles

70th Anniversary Report
Posted on Jun 1st, 2015

Thorncrest’s 70th Anniversary Celebration on May 23rd 2015
Over 250 people attended the celebration, and it appears that it was one of the most successful events in Thorncrest’s recent history.
The theme of the evening was Reconnecting With The Past and Looking Ahead.
Guests were greeted by Susan Di Tomaso and Maroune Farrah and were provided
with personalized name tags and a welcome cocktail
Photos of days & events gone by were continuously being displayed on the TV monitors. And, Thorncrest’s History was displayed on a memorabilia table and in the Clubhouse.
The weather cooperated, a beautiful night and the patio was covered by a large white tent leaving guests the ability to move around freely in and outside of the Clubhouse and outside around the pool. A jazz band trio was located at the west end of the patio. And “Recordings from the Decades” complied by JP & John McCool entertained us while the trio was on break.
Delicious hors d’oeuvres were offered to guests by members of the lifeguard team dressed in black & white attire. And, a shrimp display and delicious cheese trays were available on buffet tables.
An Anniversary Cake was generously donated by Dufflet (Daniele Bertrand) for the occasion and ceremoniously cut by 2 long time residents, Bronwen Gates and Meem Lettner.
Special remarks commemorating the occasion were made by the following Thorncresters:
(Please click on Thorncresters name to see their speeches in their entirety)
History of Thorncrest – Bob Hull
Marshal Foss – Family Tribute – Chris Foss
Looking Ahead- Current Thorncrest President- Ram Ramkumar
Welcoming & Closing Remarks – Wendy Hall
Alex Strickland and her sister Sam, Audrey Bruce and Chantal Habsheid…members of our 2015 lifeguard team …handled most of the serving of the food prepared by the professional caterers.
The cash bar was tended to by Rob Hymans assisted by other members of our 2015 lifeguard team, Brandon McCool, Spencer McCool and Greg Di Tomaso.
The Sale of Cash bar tickets was looked after by Rose Andrachuk.
JP McCool assisted with compilation of the photos shown throughout the evening on the TV monitors and was on hand to help others.
Also, we are grateful to Brian Rooney who loaned us audio equipment for the evening….which we used to broadcast the Recordings from the Decades as well as the Remarks commemorating the occasion.
And, the Social Committee: Many thanks to Lesley Vaughan for preparing the welcome cocktail and the delicious cheese and deli trays, to Usha Ramkumar for the finger sandwiches, the fresh rolls and the delicious samosas and for the flowers, candles and decorations, to Margaret MacDonald for purchasing the balloons and snacks, to Slava Fisher for purchasing drinks and to Donna Van Stavern for organizing the jazz band trio.

Lastly, many thanks to the Planning Committee:  John McCool, Bob Hull, Rose Andrachuk and Gord Hall for their considerable efforts which included getting together every Monday evening from March 9th to May 18th to report on progress of the “To Do List”.
 And, many thanks to Rob…who participated in most of the meetings of the Planning Committee and who handled all of the advance email communications as well as the compilation of the various mailing lists for the formal invitations.
And thank you to Matt Kuhn who took photos which will be posted on Thorncrest’s website under the Photo Album  tab  & select – 2015 70th Anniversary Party.
Wendy Hall
Social Committee Director